Jake Cough
On February 24th, 2005 Jake Clough was injured in a bicycle accident and suffered a brain injury.

At the time of the accident Jake was proudly wearing his Lance Armstrong “Livestrong” yellow wristband, and more importantly his bike helmet. Because Jake was wearing his helmet he survived the accident and the prognosis for a full recovery from his head injury was excellent.

On Friday, March 18, 2005 (Jake’s 15th birthday) he was transferred to Children’s Mercy Hospital to begin his rehabilitation program.

Jake passed away unexpectedly at Children’s Mercy Hospital on March 22, 2005, though not as a result of his brain injury. Shortly after Jake passed away, family and friends began the Jake Clough Headstrong Foundation in honor of Jake.

If you would like to make a donation to the Jake Clough Headstrong Foundation, please click here.

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